Airport noise allowances explained
We follow a strict set of rules for how much noise is allowed during engine testing and for operational aircraft. These rules are outlined below.
Engine testing occurs during the night as plane maintenance can't occur during the day when aircraft are flying. Regular maintenance is essential to a safe commercial aviation industry in New Zealand. Following overnight maintenance, the engines must be tested before aircraft go back into operation early the following morning.
On-wing aircraft engine testing noise
On-wing aircraft engine testing is any engine test performed while the engine is attached to the aircraft. These engine tests are undertaken outside at various locations, depending on factors like wind direction, runway use and aircraft type. The noise emitted from these tests can be disruptive for nearby residents or sensitive activities.
In contrast, off-aircraft engine testing occurs when aircraft engines are removed for more rigorous repairs and testing occurs in an enclosed test cell. Because the testing happens in a closed environment, the potential for noise impacts are limited for these types of tests.
It’s important to note aircraft engine testing does not include noise from aircraft taxiing, take-off and landing. Instead, this kind of noise is called aircraft operational noise and has to comply with a different set of noise restrictions explained further down the page.
The Christchurch District Plan has a number of restrictions regarding engine testing noise. To simplify, the plan states:
- Aircraft engine testing noise shall not exceed 65 dB Ldn at the 65 dB Ldn engine testing noise contour, calculated as a 7 day rolling average
- Aircraft engine testing noise shall not exceed 55 dB Ldn at the 55 dB Ldn engine testing noise contour, calculated as a 7 day rolling average
- The noise emitted from engine tests shall not exceed a 75 dB LAmax between 10pm and 7am only as calculated at the edge of the residential zone
- All high power turbo-prop engine tests that are five minutes or longer between 10pm and 7am must be carried out on the threshold of Runway 11 unless otherwise in use
- There will be no high power jet engine tests carried out between 10pm and 7am unless the test is 'Unplanned' or exempt
- The airport is only allowed to undertake five ‘Unplanned’ or exempt tests per quarter or 12 per year.
Exemptions to the above restrictions only apply to tests that are:
- Undertaken on aircraft associated with Antarctic Operations
- Signed off by the Civil Aviation Authority or Minister of Transport
- Required as a result of an airline model defect
- Required as a result of a natural disaster.
Engine Testing Compliance Monitoring Positions
Operational aircraft noise
Operational aircraft noise is the noise emitted from an aircraft during taxiing, take-off and landing procedures.
The Christchurch District Plan requires operational aircraft noise does not exceed 65 dB Ldn within the area outlined in Figure 1 of the District Plan.
Every year we calculate our operational aircraft noise to ensure we are in compliance with all noise regulations.
Engine Testings - 65 dB Ldn 7 day Noise Limit
Engine Testings - 55 dB Ldn 7 day Noise Limit
Engine Testing - Residential 75 dB LAmax 22:00 to 07:00 Noise Limit
Please note the residential 75 dB LAmax noise limit applies only to non-exempt engine tests occurring between 22:00 and 07:00. This means the graph will only show a noise level (dB LAmax) if non-exempt engine testing has occurred.
Engine Tests Undertaken in the Last Seven Days
Noise Management Plans
- 2019 Noise Management Plan [PDF 1.6 MB]
- 2014 Noise Management Plan [PDF 324.5 KB]
- 2014 Noise Manangement Plan Appendices [PDF 8.5 MB]
Noise monitoring reports
- 2024 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 2.3 MB]
- 2023 Noise Monitoring Report - AANC Calibration [PDF 1.4 MB]
- 2023 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 2.5 MB]
- 2022 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 3.2 MB]
- 2022 Noise Monitoring Brochure [PDF 5.7 MB]
- 2021 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 3.2 MB]
- 2020 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 4.7 MB]
- 2019 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 14.8 MB]
- 2018 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 3.1 MB]
- 2017 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 4.4 MB]
- 2016 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 3.4 MB]
- 2015 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 7.0 MB]
- 2014 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 7.0 MB]
- 2013 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 1.3 MB]
- 2012 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 1.3 MB]
- 2011 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 1.5 MB]
- 2009 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 664.3 KB]
- 2008 Noise Monitoring Report [PDF 1.9 MB]
Airport Noise Liaison Committee Reports
- 2024 Airport Noise Liaison Committee Annual Report [PDF 531.9 KB]
- 2023 Airport Noise Liaison Committee Annual Report [PDF 535.5 KB]
- 2022 Airport Noise Liaison Committee Annual Report [PDF 502.4 KB]
- 2021 Airport Noise Liaison Committee Annual Report [PDF 550.2 KB]
- 2020 Airport Noise Liaison Committee Annual Report [PDF 738.9 KB]
- 2019 Airport Noise Liaison Committee Annual Report [PDF 550.4 KB]
- 2018 Airport Noise Liaison Committee Annual Report [PDF 501.9 KB]
- 2017 Airport Noise Liaison Committee Annual Report [PDF 617.0 KB]
Other downloads
- Christchurch Airport Noise Contour Map [PDF 1.6 MB]
- Night Flying at the Canterbury Aero Club [PDF 195.4 KB]
- PBN Flight Paths Trial - Final Report [PDF 1.2 MB]